3rd Ave Active Living Fair - 2019

On Saturday, April 13, Complete Streets for Prince Rupert participated in Redesign Rupert’s Active Living Fair on 3rd Avenue West.


Our purpose was to meet people, talk about what complete streets are, and to engage Rupertites around our survey question, “What would make it easier for you (or your children) to make more trips on foot or by bicycle?”

We made this most recent survey similar to our Seafest 2018 survey in order to see if the results would replicate, and that is pretty much what happened. Now that the results of the two different surveys are similar, we are a little more confident that we have a reliable account of public opinion on the question of what would make it easier to walk and cycle in Prince Rupert.

To sum up, people would like protected bike paths and better visibility.

See the graphs below for details: